Saturday, December 30, 2017

What Really Happened

What Really Happened

It’s past time for Democratic voters, still frustrated with advancing Trumpism to stop throwing hate at Trump and his voters. It’s time instead for a little self reflection, a long, hard look at oneself and one’s party. Democrats were not cheated out of a victory and have no reason to be acting as if they were. The problem for Democratic voters in 2016 wasn’t Russia, it was the same problem as Republicans voters had, a corrupt party which falsely claims to represent their interests. It’s time now for Democratic voters to take a lesson from their Republican counterparts who stormed the castles and ivory towers of their own party during the 2016 primary and kicked their establishment party bosses to the curb.

Late in the 2016 Republican primaries, when it became apparent that Donald Trump might actually secure the nomination, party bosses made it clear to voters that through technical party rules it was going to be the party establishment that would ultimately choose the nominee, regardless of how the the people voted. The result of their ruling class hubris was a pitchforks and torches moment as voters rebelled and candidate Trump threatened blood in the streets. Party bosses faced losing millions of Trump voters in the general election by forcing an establishment candidate on them in the primary election. Alternatively, they could roll the dice with Donald Trump, a candidate who respected them even less than they did him. Republican voters had reached a point where principle became more important than victory, even at the presidential level. Republican Party bosses capitulated, Trump secured the nomination and with no help from the grudging party hierarchy, went on to become president. It was a rare moment in time when the people decided to lead and the politicians had no choice but to follow.

When will Democrats do the same?

Democrats had equal opportunity for a pitchforks and torches movement against corrupt party bosses whom they knew were rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders, favoring the bank owned, secretive and deceitful Hillary Clinton. This was the time for democratic voters to rise up against their own political ruling class and make it clear they were willing to desert voting booths by the millions in the general election if Clinton were the nominee. Democratic voters failed that challenge and Clinton became the nominee with Bernie Sanders obediently selling out an endorsement of Clinton in order to remain in good standing with those same party bosses who rigged the primary against him. The Democratic Party’s political ruling class had won but that win only worked within the confines of the party itself. Once presented to the American people at large in the general election, Clinton could only carry the most solidly Democratic states and even some of those flipped for Trump.

The problem for Democrats was their own acceptance of a rigged primary and a candidate too corrupt for voters outside their party. A party hierarchy with more integrity would have never front-loaded a candidate like Clinton in the first place. But Democratic voters bear responsibility too because anyone seeking honest, transparent, and trustworthy government from their own party would have never let a candidate like Clinton anywhere near the nomination. The party bosses knowingly chose the corrupt, big money candidate and the overly compliant voters voted as their political masters ordered them. That’s how Donald Trump became president of the United States, through the corruption of Democratic party bosses and the passive acceptance of that corruption by Democratic voters.

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