That which rules us now, these governments of men,
these rulers of the fallen realm, these are not the things of the beginning.
These are the legacy of Cain, the kingships of men and governments of the
fallen, temporary in nature as the kingdom of God encroaches upon the hearts of
men and exudes through our behaviour toward one another.
For the evil of human rule is evident in its origins
as its founder himself was a murderer. Cast out from the sons of God, he became
a vagabond upon the earth until such time as he built the first of the cities
of men, making himself first ancestor to all fallen rulers. From him came the
first borders which divide the nations and the first weights and measures which
portioned out goods and supplies of food to those under his rule. From him came
the fallen laws of human government, making men accountable to human rather
than Godly rule. Through his fallen governance were the greater ways of God
replaced will craftiness, deceit and cunning. And through his corruption did
all governments of men became become inherently corrupt themselves, all bearing
the fallen mark of Cain.
For governments bear great power over multitudes of
people, powers of war, of law, of distribution of food and goods, of judgement,
imprisonment and ultimately, powers of life and death over the citizen. But
those who staff the halls of human government are not fit for such power
because they are as fallen as the citizens whom they govern. For all men are
equally fallen from the ways of God and equally weak against temptation
although those who covet positions of great power arrogantly think better of
themselves. But as they achieve their political ambitions they suddenly find
themselves subject to yet greater temptations than dealt with as a common man.
They are equally weak but subject to greater temptations, and being arrogant in
the face of their their weakness, they ignorantly succumb to their temptations
all the more quiçkly. And the temptations of power are of self righteous pride
and arrogance, thinking oneself greater than common men, above them in wisdom,
and fit to rule over them, self righteously subjugating the lives of the masses
to their own will. Thus do the fallen rulers of men and the governments of Cain
make of themselves an affront to God, the Creator of all men who alone is
qualified for such such authority.
That which ruled us in the beginning, that which
governed our hearts and guided our dealings with our brethren was not the
fallen kingships of men but the indwelling presence and union with our Lord God
and Creator. And those were the days which knew no war, no tyranny, no
injustice, poverty nor strife amongst men. These are the days to which the
societies of men shall one day return, freed from the oppressive rule of the
fallen as we gradually, from generation to generation return our hearts and
minds to the greater ways of our Eternal God and Creator.
Children of God, judge not the impoverished brother,
whether or not he is deserving of his plight. When tempted of judgement, judge
inwardly, recalling your own sins instead that you may escape the judgement of
He that knows no sin and is qualified to judge all. Give aid to the
impoverished, that no ruler may have cause to increase his power over you by
confiscating your wealth to aid those you could have aided yourself.
Be not inflamed in times of conflict with your brother,
seeking magistrates of fallen government to judge your dispute and vengefully
impose harsh rule of human law upon your neighbor. Give grace instead, knowing
that the grace given you by God was meant to be exuded to others rather than
hoarded within yourself. Speak kindly with your brother in times of conflict
and resolve disputes without need of those who already seek greater power over
your life.
Be generous to your servants, knowing that your God’s
generosity to you is meant to be given as well as received. Pay them well for
their labors, lest fallen rulers use your greed as excuse to impose onerous
laws upon your treatment of those whom you employ.
Defer in all ways to that which you know God would
have you do. For in this way shall you make useless and unnecessary the fallen
governments of Cain which use the failings of men to empower themselves over
For by the ways of God, practice by all men shall the
halls of power be made empty and left without justification of their fallen
rule. In this way shall the Kingdom of God be made welcome by all men upon the
face of the earth. In this way shall we more quickly and more fully put down
the governments of Cain, rejoining ourselves forever to the greater Kingdom of
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