Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Mountain of God

In the days of the last age the mountain of the Lord our God shall be made known to all men, shall be raised high in their own minds and known as greater than all the houses of power, rule of kings and governance of fallen men.

Peoples of all nations shall flow into the the mountain of the Lord, all saying one to another, “Let us now become one people, as was in the beginning, in the days of Eden, all ruled by the one true God of the universe. Let us no longer be subject to that which has failed us, the kings, queens and monarchies of old, nor the senators, presidents and democracies of the present.

For since the days of Cain have those which governed us been unfit, becoming corrupt in their power and arrogant in their deeds. They have cast our sons and daughters to the violence of war, abused their power for their own profit and pleasure and enriched themselves beyond measure at the expense of those whom they rule. They have sowed hate amongst the people and divided the societies they rule into angry parties and factions. They have made us bitter against one another, distracting the people from the corruption of their own doing. Come then, let us climb the mountain of the Lord our God, whereat we shall learn his ways and walk forever in his righteous path.”

In this day shall the houses of governance be emptied as people stream to the mountain of the Lord. For in learning the ways of the Lord shall the governance of men become unneeded. In his righteous path shall oppression be lifted, shall the hungry be fed and the weapons of war be forever stilled. In this day shall the palaces of power become homes to the poor and the wealth of the rulers become charity for the orphan, the old, and the sick.

For in their time, the sons of men shall know the ways of God, that they are greater than the rulership of the corrupt and the fallen. And the governance of fallen men shall be no more.

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