Saturday, December 30, 2017

What Really Happened

What Really Happened

It’s past time for Democratic voters, still frustrated with advancing Trumpism to stop throwing hate at Trump and his voters. It’s time instead for a little self reflection, a long, hard look at oneself and one’s party. Democrats were not cheated out of a victory and have no reason to be acting as if they were. The problem for Democratic voters in 2016 wasn’t Russia, it was the same problem as Republicans voters had, a corrupt party which falsely claims to represent their interests. It’s time now for Democratic voters to take a lesson from their Republican counterparts who stormed the castles and ivory towers of their own party during the 2016 primary and kicked their establishment party bosses to the curb.

Late in the 2016 Republican primaries, when it became apparent that Donald Trump might actually secure the nomination, party bosses made it clear to voters that through technical party rules it was going to be the party establishment that would ultimately choose the nominee, regardless of how the the people voted. The result of their ruling class hubris was a pitchforks and torches moment as voters rebelled and candidate Trump threatened blood in the streets. Party bosses faced losing millions of Trump voters in the general election by forcing an establishment candidate on them in the primary election. Alternatively, they could roll the dice with Donald Trump, a candidate who respected them even less than they did him. Republican voters had reached a point where principle became more important than victory, even at the presidential level. Republican Party bosses capitulated, Trump secured the nomination and with no help from the grudging party hierarchy, went on to become president. It was a rare moment in time when the people decided to lead and the politicians had no choice but to follow.

When will Democrats do the same?

Democrats had equal opportunity for a pitchforks and torches movement against corrupt party bosses whom they knew were rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders, favoring the bank owned, secretive and deceitful Hillary Clinton. This was the time for democratic voters to rise up against their own political ruling class and make it clear they were willing to desert voting booths by the millions in the general election if Clinton were the nominee. Democratic voters failed that challenge and Clinton became the nominee with Bernie Sanders obediently selling out an endorsement of Clinton in order to remain in good standing with those same party bosses who rigged the primary against him. The Democratic Party’s political ruling class had won but that win only worked within the confines of the party itself. Once presented to the American people at large in the general election, Clinton could only carry the most solidly Democratic states and even some of those flipped for Trump.

The problem for Democrats was their own acceptance of a rigged primary and a candidate too corrupt for voters outside their party. A party hierarchy with more integrity would have never front-loaded a candidate like Clinton in the first place. But Democratic voters bear responsibility too because anyone seeking honest, transparent, and trustworthy government from their own party would have never let a candidate like Clinton anywhere near the nomination. The party bosses knowingly chose the corrupt, big money candidate and the overly compliant voters voted as their political masters ordered them. That’s how Donald Trump became president of the United States, through the corruption of Democratic party bosses and the passive acceptance of that corruption by Democratic voters.

Temptations of Babylon

Temptations of Babylon

Seek not any power over your fellow man, avoiding especially the powers of great wealth and positions of governmental power over your brethren. Be wise against these and remain humble before God. Shun them for the sake of your eternal spirit, knowing that you are not immune from the temptations that come with great power. For though true that all power corrupts the soul of a man, the powers of wealth and governmental authority are corruptive above all, bear the strongest temptations and have wrought the most evil upon the world. These are the most beguiling and deceptive of all evils, disguising themselves with pious intentions and actions that would help the poor, the abused and the oppressed.

For the pursuit of wealth can appear good, as it creates employment of many persons, all needed by the merchant for work in his fields or the manufacture of his goods. But inevitably the greed which tempts all men leads to the oppression of his workers and the stifling of their wages as the merchant demands ever greater output of those he employs. And if challenged on the oppression of his workers the pride which afflicts all men distracts the merchant from the mercy which he would otherwise bestow. For the pride of a man in that moment tells him that those who complain of oppression are ingrates in nature, forgetting that without the employment he provides, their poverty would be even more. The compassion which God would have him bestow is forgotten, his greed becomes rationalized and his heart is made hard against those whose labors have made him wealthy.

That merchant, though likely a good and humble man in his youth becomes deceived and pumped up with the praises of others who hold wealth more highly than virtue. He becomes deaf to the voice of God, coming to listen only to those who fill him with empty praises based on the weight of his purse rather than the righteousness of his character. And ultimately, as his riches make all things affordable, he becomes gluttonous in the vices which tempt all men, succumbing to their lure and becoming lost in the  indulgence of their practice. For the wealth of the world makes possible all temptations of the fallen realm and blinds men to the ways of God, which are grace, charity, and the purity of spirit.

Likewise are powers of governing authority equally or yet more corruptive to a man's eternal soul. For the powers of government are greater than those of the merchant, as those in government position bear the power of law over the merchants of their society. Seek not then, positions of governance over the merchant nor the common citizen but know with all humility before God that the temptations of power afflict all men equally. Be content in the life which God has given you and seek not to enhance your standing over your brethren.

For those in the work of governance are ruled by parties and factions within their parties, all competing for the greater share of power over the people. And in their frenzy for the greater share of power the wellbeing of the citizenry is lost as the increase of each party’s power becomes a means to its own end.

In time, the differing factions and parties coalesce into a single, permanent ruling class of even greater power, stifling the rise of other parties and empowering their collective authority over the people yet more. They become unaccountable to the needs of the citizenry as their increasing power allows them to secure their positions of high office without end. And as their unaccountability to the people grows, so do they next grow complacent and forget their accountability before God. For the corruption of power is stronger than the disciplines of men and more deceptive than our wisdom can withstand.

Thinking themselves righteous they become blind to their corruption, serving not the needs of the citizenry but accomoding the will of whichever merchants finance their party. Thus do the corruption's of the merchants become one with the corruption's of the ruling class and the voice of the people become unheard by both.

This is the Babylon of ancient times, risen again in your age, still an affront before God as she seeks to supplant the divine laws of grace, charity and goodwill with the rule of fallen men corrupted by the powers wealth and governance. Be not drawn into the passions of competition between political parties, knowing that all of them serve their own corrupt ends rather than the will of God.  Be not a divided people as the party rulers would have you be, separated into the same factions and parties of which have corrupted them. For by drawing you into the competitions and fighting of their parties do they draw you away from the greater ways of your God, taking you deeper into the heart of Babylon and her unholy ways.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Judging God

The ways of the Lord are just and wise, beyond the thoughts of mortal men, beyond all who would foolishly seek to judge their God.

For as what seems unjust to a child is wise to a parent, so is what seems unfit to a man wise to our God. And as a trusting child shall know the wisdom of of their parent, so shall a wise man faithfully learn the wisdom of the Lord.

Do not test the Lord your God nor judge his statutes. Discern his ways wisely and with humility, recalling at all times that his is God.

For if a thing seems unfit to we of the fallen realm it is not by a mistake of God merely because we do not comprehend his ways. Recall at such times that ours is a mortal perspective, limited to the temporary passions, needs and desires of a passing life.

Discern the ways of God thoughtfully, with prayer and faith, knowing that the perspective of God sees all things in all ages, past, present and future.

For we are children before our God, infants in the works of our own creation, physically formed but yet growing in thought, knowledge and wisdom.

We are not the ones who would foolishly judge God for we do not know the foundations of the cosmos, the workings of the universe, nor the events of the future. We are the image of God, yet early in our formation, yet needful of his guidance, humble in our knowledge and forever searching of his ways.

The Kingdoms of Men

The Lord our God is one God, creator and father of all life. He has established his throne in the heavens and his sovereignty rules over all things and in all ages.

The Lord our God governs all things with a wisdom beyond the understanding of all men. He is ascendant over all kingships, governments and palaces of power, for all these are of the fallen realm. But ye who follow the Lord your God, judge not yourselves greater than the fallen governments of men for you yourselves are fallen as well.

Heed then, the laws and ordinances of your governing authorities but also hold fast to the knowledge that the powers they bear are corruptive to their spirit. For these are the rulers and governments of the fallen realm, temporary and crumbling each day before the encroaching kingdom of God. Their rule is the legacy of Cain, who built the first of the cities of men after murdering his brother. And all governance of men in all ages is descendant of his works.

Seek not in any instant to make stronger the governance of your rulers as foolishly done by the children of Israel in the days of Samuel, his servant. For they clamored with him, seeking the appointment of a king as had by the other nations and were insistent despite his warnings.

Be wise then and learn from the error of those before  you. For those whom you would empower are the same who shall take your sons for war, your daughters for concubines and your wealth for their benefit.

Seek not the greater empowerment of government. Seek rather the greater fulfillment of your God’s kingdom on earth. Seek out in your own works the practice of charity, that no longer may the government claim need to confiscate your wealth for the poor. Seek out a gracious heart that no judge have cause to mediate your disputes. Be courteous and practice goodwill to all that no officer be needed and no man be imprisoned.

For if the ways of God be done by all, the governments of men shall be made useless and forgotten as the Kingdom of God more quickly replaces the failing governments of fallen men.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Mountain of God

In the days of the last age the mountain of the Lord our God shall be made known to all men, shall be raised high in their own minds and known as greater than all the houses of power, rule of kings and governance of fallen men.

Peoples of all nations shall flow into the the mountain of the Lord, all saying one to another, “Let us now become one people, as was in the beginning, in the days of Eden, all ruled by the one true God of the universe. Let us no longer be subject to that which has failed us, the kings, queens and monarchies of old, nor the senators, presidents and democracies of the present.

For since the days of Cain have those which governed us been unfit, becoming corrupt in their power and arrogant in their deeds. They have cast our sons and daughters to the violence of war, abused their power for their own profit and pleasure and enriched themselves beyond measure at the expense of those whom they rule. They have sowed hate amongst the people and divided the societies they rule into angry parties and factions. They have made us bitter against one another, distracting the people from the corruption of their own doing. Come then, let us climb the mountain of the Lord our God, whereat we shall learn his ways and walk forever in his righteous path.”

In this day shall the houses of governance be emptied as people stream to the mountain of the Lord. For in learning the ways of the Lord shall the governance of men become unneeded. In his righteous path shall oppression be lifted, shall the hungry be fed and the weapons of war be forever stilled. In this day shall the palaces of power become homes to the poor and the wealth of the rulers become charity for the orphan, the old, and the sick.

For in their time, the sons of men shall know the ways of God, that they are greater than the rulership of the corrupt and the fallen. And the governance of fallen men shall be no more.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Politicizing the Masses

Politicizing the Masses

If a society becomes as politicized as the politicians which rule the society then liberty is lost, indoctrination is complete and a permanent ruling class hierarchy is established. Elections would become a sideshow as citizens toddle off every few years to cast angry, negative votes against their selected enemy party rather than hopeful, positive votes for issues they believe in. The majority share of power would trade back and forth between the the two parties every few elections but the same collective, two-party ruling class would remain in power, no longer checked by thoughtful, objective minded citizens.

In such a society, citizens would loyally tune in every day to their preferred sources of slanted “news” which would be favorably oriented toward one of the two parties. They would get their daily supply of talking points against their enemy party and then dutifully sign onto their social media outlets and begin cyber-shouting those talking points at enemy citizens of the opposing political party.

The citizens would feel more informed, more engaged and wholly righteous in their cause to defeat  the enemy party. They would feel more important because in their passion because it would seem they were fighting a great battle to save their society from the evils of unchecked socialism or fascism. But it would all be for naught because in in their rage against the enemy party, citizens would become completely politicized and blinded to the glaring corruptions of their own party. The citizens of one party would ignorantly vote as many of their corrupt politicians into power as possible and the citizens of the other party would do the same. The battle they think they’re fighting would never be won because because both corrupt parties would share power indefinitely.

The parties would certainly compete for the majority share of power and hope to win elections but it would be a lackadaisical type of competition. It would be a competition put on mostly as a show for voters to keep them caught up in their hatred of an enemy party. The main objective of election campaigns would degenerate into an effort to keep the citizens inflamed against one party so they will automatically vote for the other. The politicians would have learned by now that as long as the people vote for one of the two parties, both parties will collectively share absolute power over the society.

Corruption of the government would increase in such a society because the indoctrinated voters of both parties would only concern themselves with the corruption of the enemy party. They would continue to vote accordingly, both parties would remain in power despite their corruptions and neither party would have incentive to reform itself.

This is point at which our own society now exists.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Book of Wisdom and the Governments of Men

Book of Wisdom, Chapter 6 Verses 1-9

Hear therefore, O ye kings, and understand; learn, ye that be judges of the ends of the earth.
Give ear, ye that rule the people, and glory in the multitude of nations.
For power is given you of the Lord, and sovereignty from the Highest, who shall try your works, and search out your counsels.
Because, being ministers of his kingdom, ye have not judged aright, nor kept the law, nor walked after the counsel of God;
Horribly and speedily shall he come upon you: for a sharp judgment shall be to them that be in high places.
For mercy will soon pardon the meanest: but mighty men shall be mightily tormented.
For he which is Lord over all shall fear no man's person, neither shall he stand in awe of any man's greatness: for he hath made the small and great, and careth for all alike.
But a sore trial shall come upon the mighty.
Unto you therefore, O kings, do I speak, that ye may learn wisdom, and not fall away.

The above passage is all one needs to discern the perspective of God on the governments of men. For believers, God’s perspective is obviously correct so the perspective of God on human government should be our own perspective. There are other parts of the Bible which tell us to submit to the governing powers but that doesn’t cancel out the negative truths of human government. It still seems contradictory to slam human government in one passage and then tell us to submit to it in a later passage but the wisdom of God always surpasses the critique of men. One possible explanation; history is rife with examples of those who did not submit to ruling powers, rising up instead to overthrow them only to create in their place governments which were equally or more oppressive. Revolutions may be well intentioned but in the aftermath the victors can become corrupted themselves as they start wielding their own newfound powers of governance.

The passage from the Book of Wisdom serves a twofold purpose, the first being to warn government leaders that they shall be held to a higher standard and judged by God. The second is to fix a proper perspective on government in the minds of those governed. Although they are to respect governing authority they are also to know of it’s failings and not put their ultimate trust in government. Nor should they naively expect that a government run by failed, corruptible humans wouldn’t naturally bear those same corrupt failings itself. It’s a more sober, realistic perspective on government, one which might be especially edifying today amidst the chaos and malaise of the two corrupted political parties that bear power over our society.

We’re talking about Democrats and Republicans here, both now trying desperately to maintain or increase their share of political power amidst growing sexual abuse charges from victimized women. If it weren’t for the current scandal though it would be something else. And when this scandal does die down it will only be replaced by another and a different one after that. We shouldn’t get caught up in the passion of the scandal, especially in the way the two parties want us to. Both parties right now are setting an example they would like us all to follow. That is to react with the passions of partisanship, picking either the Democrat or Republican side, aiming an accusing finger at our enemy party while rationalizing the abuses of our own party. Then toddle off to the midterm elections in 2018 where roughly half of us will vote one corrupt party while the other half votes for the other corrupt party.

This is how both corrupt parties ended up becoming a single, collective ruling class party, sharing all political for over a hundred and fifty years now. This is how the government as a whole became inherently corrupt and why that passage from The Book of Wisdom should be memorized by all. Wisdom would point us away from misguided party loyalties and the passions that come with them. Wisdom would teach us that although a party may have been first formed in the best of intentions, once that party began to acquire power and became entangled in the corruptive powers of government, that party inevitably became corrupted itself. Wisdom would tell us that the corruption of any political party is natural and inevitable, and that the subsequent corruption of a government run by corrupt political parties is equally unavoidable.

It’s not something that your party or mine is immune to. It’s just the fate of any institution run by faulty men, and doubly so with political parties because they are so dedicated to accumulating power over government and society. Wisdom would teach us not to play favorites with any party amidst scandals just because they voice opinions on social issues which we happen to agree with. Most of all, Wisdom would annoy the party bosses of both Democrats and Republicans without end because we would not be indoctrinated into one of two angry and divided camps.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Democrats Stepping Back from the Plate

The 2018 midterm election season is just around the corner and both the Republican and Democratic parties stink with sex abuse charges against high ranking officials. The stench now grows even worse with news of a secret slush fund set up exclusively for payment of settlements to abused women. Since payments from this slush fund are now upwards of fifteen million dollars, there are possibly hundreds of abused women out there who have received payments and agreed not to talk but disclosure agreements be damned, they have stories to tell that voters deserve and need to hear.

Will those victimized women sit passively by, watching as their abusers deceive voters and smugly paint morally wholesome pictures of themselves, hypocritically decry abusers from the other party and ultimately win reelection to powerful offices staffed full of even more potential female victims? Many will not and since neither party is clean on this matter, the party which best weathers the coming storm will be the party that tries hardest and most humbly in the eyes of American voters to make itself clean rather than arrogantly protect it’s abusers. Thus far however, it could be argued by Republicans that they’re ahead of Democrats on this issue.

Republicans can honestly claim that in the case of Roy Moore, his own fellow Republicans are calling for his resignation. What’s more, they can further argue that they’re doing this without actual proof that the allegations are true. That’s thin because it looks like that the charges are indeed credible but it’s still more than the Democrats can offer. In the case of Al Franken, we have a photograph and an apology for what he did. There is no argument that he abuses women. But unlike Republicans calling for Roy Moore to step down, the Democrats are only calling for an “investigation” into something that is is already proven. There is no investigation needed and the American people know it.

In the case of John Conyers, it’s almost a carbon copy approach with Nancy Pelosi calling for an “investigation” into something that is already decided. The charges against Conyers were investigated years ago and judged warranting of a $27,000 settlement so as with Al Franken, we have a known abuser. The American people know when they’re being gamed. The purpose of these so called “investigations” is to delay action while working damage control in hopes that the issue will simply die down. The Democratic Party, which prides itself on women’s rights, is actually working to protect abusers of women within it’s own ranks. And apparently, they think the American people are too dumb to see it.

On a politically cynical note however, if Democratic leadership could actually step up to the plate and force out Franken and Conyers, the Democrats would stand head and shoulders above Republicans, and win the support of voters who are not fully committed to one political party or another. They would also win back some respect from women at a time when women are desperately looking for any sign of support from either of the two parties. Republicans would be left holding the bag with Roy Moore, an ever increasing number of accusations coming out against him, and a not so popular president that just recently came foolishly close to endorsing him. All this going into a midterm election year.

This could be your moment Dems, step up to the plate.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Democrats and MSNBC Throwing Abused Women under the Bus

Democrats and MSNBC Throwing Abused Women Under the Bus

It appears MSNBC (Democratic Party TV) has decided to follow their party’s example and take the low road in dealing with picture-provable accusations of Democratic Senator Al Franken sexually abusing a woman as she sleeps. MSNBC’S Kasie Hunt has taken it upon herself to correct the victim of Franken’s abuse, inventing a new phrase, “mock-groping” to describe what the actual victim has already called groping. Why would MSNBC be trying to trivialize the abuse of women? They may be taking their cues from their Democratic party leaders.

Democrats quickly began calling for an “investigation” into the abuse charges against Al Franken. The problem here is obvious, everyone knows we don’t need an investigation. We have a picture of the abuse in action and we already know he’s guilty. Franken has not denied his abuse but has apologized for it instead. We know it happened. The phony calls for an investigation are to provide an appearance of concern while actually doing nothing about the abuse of the sleeping woman, hoping all the while that the issue will just go away in a week or so.

Democrats had a chance to step up to the plate on this and blow the Republicans out of the water by dealing as aggressively with one of their own perverts as we all know they would with a Republican pervert. But they blew it and made public hypocrites of themselves instead.  Republicans are actually looking better now because they’re calling for Roy Moore to step down even though allegations against him remain unproven.

The charges against Franken are obviously true. No investigation is needed and any Democrat that cares about women’s rights would already be screaming for Franken to step down. Democrats and their MSNBC lackeys have exposed themselves as phony, hypocritical, and only concerned with the power of their party. The lesson is clear, if the rights of sexually abused women get in the way of Democratic Party power, then sexually abused women should expect to be thrown under the bus by both the Democratic Party and their affiliate station, MSNBC.

As for Republicans, enjoy your political windfall while it lasts but also tread lightly. The dam which held back the truth about Hollywood’s sexual abuse broke very quickly once the first complaints started leaking out. The dam which holds back the truth about politicians abuse of women is already cracked and badly leaking. The coming flood may make 2018 a very interesting year for both parties.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Shall Democrats be Authentic or Hypocritical on the Rights of Women

Al Franken is guilty of sexual abuse. Guilty enough that he’s not even attempting a denial but going straight to apology mode. This is a golden opportunity for the Democratic Party to show up Republicans by behaving non-hypocritically and immediately start screaming for his resignation. After all, this is not just an accusation, it’s a provable accusation with pictures. This accusation has no doubts or denials.

Senator Franken's provable abuse of Leeann Tweeden is coming to light amidst abuse charges against Roy Moore. But even though the charges against Roy Moore are still unproven Republicans are falling all over themselves calling for him to step down so in that way, Republicans are ahead of Democrats on trying to keep their side of the street clean. They aren’t even waiting for charges against Moore to be proven but are trying to give him the heave-ho based only on accusations. Democrats already have proven charges against Senator Franken plus he’s admitted to it and apologized.

So can we expect Democrats call out just as loudly for Al Franken to step down as Republicans are doing with Roy Moore? Or maybe even louder since there is no wiggle room, denial or doubt to the abuse charges against Senator Franken. Safe to assume they’d rather not. Both parties are concerned more with their own power than with the rights of women and the Democrats can’t afford to lose a Democratic senator. Republicans would much prefer that allegations against Roy Moore had never come to light also and if they thought it were possible to keep Moore on board, they’d do so. Power comes first, right and wrong are always a very distant second with both parties.