Book of Wisdom, Chapter 6 Verses 1-9
Hear therefore, O ye kings, and understand; learn, ye that be judges of the ends of the earth.
Give ear, ye that rule the people, and glory in the multitude of nations.
For power is given you of the Lord, and sovereignty from the Highest, who shall try your works, and search out your counsels.
Because, being ministers of his kingdom, ye have not judged aright, nor kept the law, nor walked after the counsel of God;
Horribly and speedily shall he come upon you: for a sharp judgment shall be to them that be in high places.
For mercy will soon pardon the meanest: but mighty men shall be mightily tormented.
For he which is Lord over all shall fear no man's person, neither shall he stand in awe of any man's greatness: for he hath made the small and great, and careth for all alike.
But a sore trial shall come upon the mighty.
Unto you therefore, O kings, do I speak, that ye may learn wisdom, and not fall away.
The above passage is all one needs to discern the perspective of God on the governments of men. For believers, God’s perspective is obviously correct so the perspective of God on human government should be our own perspective. There are other parts of the Bible which tell us to submit to the governing powers but that doesn’t cancel out the negative truths of human government. It still seems contradictory to slam human government in one passage and then tell us to submit to it in a later passage but the wisdom of God always surpasses the critique of men. One possible explanation; history is rife with examples of those who did not submit to ruling powers, rising up instead to overthrow them only to create in their place governments which were equally or more oppressive. Revolutions may be well intentioned but in the aftermath the victors can become corrupted themselves as they start wielding their own newfound powers of governance.
The passage from the Book of Wisdom serves a twofold purpose, the first being to warn government leaders that they shall be held to a higher standard and judged by God. The second is to fix a proper perspective on government in the minds of those governed. Although they are to respect governing authority they are also to know of it’s failings and not put their ultimate trust in government. Nor should they naively expect that a government run by failed, corruptible humans wouldn’t naturally bear those same corrupt failings itself. It’s a more sober, realistic perspective on government, one which might be especially edifying today amidst the chaos and malaise of the two corrupted political parties that bear power over our society.
We’re talking about Democrats and Republicans here, both now trying desperately to maintain or increase their share of political power amidst growing sexual abuse charges from victimized women. If it weren’t for the current scandal though it would be something else. And when this scandal does die down it will only be replaced by another and a different one after that. We shouldn’t get caught up in the passion of the scandal, especially in the way the two parties want us to. Both parties right now are setting an example they would like us all to follow. That is to react with the passions of partisanship, picking either the Democrat or Republican side, aiming an accusing finger at our enemy party while rationalizing the abuses of our own party. Then toddle off to the midterm elections in 2018 where roughly half of us will vote one corrupt party while the other half votes for the other corrupt party.
This is how both corrupt parties ended up becoming a single, collective ruling class party, sharing all political for over a hundred and fifty years now. This is how the government as a whole became inherently corrupt and why that passage from The Book of Wisdom should be memorized by all. Wisdom would point us away from misguided party loyalties and the passions that come with them. Wisdom would teach us that although a party may have been first formed in the best of intentions, once that party began to acquire power and became entangled in the corruptive powers of government, that party inevitably became corrupted itself. Wisdom would tell us that the corruption of any political party is natural and inevitable, and that the subsequent corruption of a government run by corrupt political parties is equally unavoidable.
It’s not something that your party or mine is immune to. It’s just the fate of any institution run by faulty men, and doubly so with political parties because they are so dedicated to accumulating power over government and society. Wisdom would teach us not to play favorites with any party amidst scandals just because they voice opinions on social issues which we happen to agree with. Most of all, Wisdom would annoy the party bosses of both Democrats and Republicans without end because we would not be indoctrinated into one of two angry and divided camps.
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